You’ll love our fuel efficient Toyota Prius’s but which design will you like on our cars?
Once again, we’re looking for your input. Frankly, we’re torn between a couple wrap designs and we would love to hear from you! Please comment below and tell us which one you like the best.
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I vote for wrap # 4!
whilst i love wrap#3 for the colours and design, wrap#1 gives the direct impression of what you’re trying to create. it’s simple, clean, and just all around a great concept. the art is beautiful.
so, i vote for wrap#1.
I like that the wraps don’t look like a Claritin ad. I think that you are going in a new direction and I admire that. I think that wrap #4 has the best marketing flow: The design from the front of the cab as you scan it flows the easiest, and gets all of the important information in without confusion or a second scan. Design #4 for me!
To me, Wrap # 4 is the most visually appealing and still brings in the ecological core of the business.
I like number 3 AND 4!! May I choose one than one?? Ok, ok…I like the wind-turbines on the rear of the vehicle, so let’s go with 3… answer.
I like #3 the best… if they could print the phone # on there like they do on #4 & make it stick out a little bit then I would love it:-D
Wrap 2… But change the green flowing banner to a green leafy vine thing and the ball in the middle of the recycling logo to planet earth, similar to wrap 1
I like # 4 the best. It is the most readable and eye popping with the information. Pretty slick. It looks like the information will be able to be read when the vehicle is in motion.
#4. Looks fresh and clean.
Although number 4 is the most pleasing to the eye I feel that it depends on how you are marketing your cabs. If it is through the age old ‘flagging’ a taxi down then number 5 is far easier to recognize as a cab than the rest of the wraps. This wrap will also generate the most future business by being spotted on the road.
If most of your fares will be generated through phone calls from advertisements and/or flyers then number 4 is the way to go.
It is great to finally see the Taxi industry evolve. Cheers!
I like #1 and #4. Clean and fresh.
Although I like all the wraps, I am wondering why there is not a desert theme. That’s where this is starting and this environment is more suseptable to what we do, than wetter climates. Maybe just one car… just a thought.
My vote is for wrap #3 although I would change the labeling color so that it stands out from the background. I like that you are fusing wind power into your message as well. Best of luck with your endeavor!
I’m voting for #1 or #4. Sorry, that’s all I can narrow it down to. But looking at the responses it seems that #4 is the front runner so far.
I like number 1 best. I like the coloring and the sweeping design.
My vote is for #2 - the dark blue helps the copy stand out better.
Thank you for the great quality of your blog, each time i come here, i’m amazed.
black hattitude.