Clean Air Cab Blog
Through the looking glass


September 2012
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CAC Loves Mesa United Way!

September 20, 2012   

Clean Air Cab had the wonderful opportunity to attend Mesa United Way luncheon yesterday! CAC’s owner, Steve Lopez, is on the board of directors and CAC has a cab specially wrapped and dedicated to Mesa United Way. A portion of each ride done in that cab goes straigh to Mesa United Way! Part of Clean Air Cab’s vision as a company is to better the comminuty they serve. We don’t want to be just another business, we also want to be a solution to pressing problems around us. That is why we are so happy to have organizations like Mesa United Way in our community as well as the opportunity to help them.

One of our best drivers, James LeMagdelaine, drives our United Way cab so we asked him a few questions about his thoughts on the organization. When asked why he believes in this organization he said, “It helps so many people in so many ways. It is organizations like this that make us all better and stronger in the community.” He went on to say that charitable donations are important because they help “to improve the lives of the less fortunate.” He said that he, his wife and family “have always believed in giving to charitable organizations.”

At the luncheon, we had the priveledge of hearing Mayor Scott Smith speak about what a strong community of caring people Mesa is and how, through organizations like Mesa United Way, we are able to all become better and stronger people for a better Mesa. There were so many dedicated people present, you couldn’t help but want to jump in and do your part to help build up the community!

If you’d like to know a little more about what Mesa United Way is all about, I reccommend watching the video posted below. They showed it at the luncheon yesterday and it was incredibly moving to see how far our donations go and how many lives are touched.

They just kicked off their campaign year and are hoping to bring in close to 3 million dollars in donations, but they are going to need everyone’s help! Their special request was that everyone sign up to give just $5 per pay period to help them meet their goal. I think that’s a small request to be a part of a big job! So go to their website here, find out what they’re all about, and sign up to give a little back whether it’s through monetary means or time spent volunteering! We all can give a little back to our community!

August Driver of the Month: Thomas Louie!

September 7, 2012   

It’s that time of the month again where we highlight one of our exceptional drivers! (I know we’ve gotten a little behind on our DotM blog posts, but I’ll be better from now on, I promise!)

Thomas has been driving with us for about a year now and we’re really glad he decided to join our team! Before he was a driver, he worked in computer programming, was an attourney, and a tax manager! He’s a really smart guy and known for his professionalism. His customer loves that he picks them up in a clean car and with a cheerful additude.

Not long ago, one of our customers, Mary, called in to say how impressed she was with his clean cab , positive attitude, and professionalism. She said it was the best cab ride she’s ever had!

So keep a look out for Thomas on the road and congratulate him if you are lucky enough to have him as a driver! We’re so happy to have drivers like him in our cabs, making sure our customers are taken care of!

Want to know who our best drivers are? You can tell which of our drivers have won Driver of the Month by their special dash badge!

We have a whole fleet of exceptional drivers, so if you want to try a cab company that’s a step above the rest, give Clean Air Cab a call at (480) 777-9777!