Supporting our local businesses and community
As a leader in green business, we're proud to be a part of The Green Chamber - Greater Phoenix chapter, who is the Valley’s definitive champion for a more vibrant, innovative and sustainable future.
About The Green Chamber - Phoenix Chapter
The Green Chamber is are a portal of information, resources and connectivity aligning companies of all sizes and other community organizations, agencies and municipalities to address the long-overdue need for economic growth in Arizona that is sustainable and environmentally responsible.
The Green Chamber advances Sustainable and Diverse Economic Development in the Valley.
- Promote Innovative Green Business Ideas: We foster and advance cutting edge businesses that utilize green principles and are committed to making our Valley a better place to live.
- Publicize Green Businesses: We improve Arizona’s future by promoting our sustainable companies, products, and services.
- Enable and educate businesses how to become green(er): We provide the education to advance and further sustainable business practices.
- Connect Green Businesses with Customers: We open doors and conversations between like-minded professionals, students, and community members.
- Enable and educate businesses how to become green(er): We provide the education to advance and further sustainable business practices